
CTE Mentorship Internship (EDU 298)

Term: 2022-2023 12 month term


Sarah M Ellis
E-mail address is hidden, click here to e-mail

Office Location: Nordby Trades Center Room 202 (NTRC)
Email: [email protected]

Fall 2024 Office Hours:* 

M/W/F   11:00 am - 1:00 pm CDT*
T/Th       7:15 - 10:15 am CDT*
Afternoons by appointment 

Connect on LinkedIn

*If the posted hours do not align with your schedule, please email to make an alternative appointment, I do have a lot of other availability between meetings and online course management. 


Methods, strategies, and theories of adult learning will be covered. Hands-on application of instructional methods, assessment strategies, techology integration, diversity, communication and classroom management will be incorporated into two workshop sessions as well as 30 weeks in an online learning environment.

This course meets the alternative certfication requirements for secondary instructors who teach CTE courses.